The Meditation of the Old Fisherman

  • You waves, though you dance by my feet like children at play,
  • Though you glow and you glance, though you purr and you dart;
  • In the Junes that were warmer than these are, the waves were
  •  more gay,
  • When I was a boy with never a crack in my heart.

  • The herring are not in the tides as they were of old;
  • My sorrow! for many a creak gave the creel in the cart
  • That carried the take: to Sligo town to be sold,
  • When I was a boy with never a crack in my heart.

  • And ah, you proud maiden, you are not so fair when his oar
  • Is heard on the water, as they were, the proud and apart,
  • Who paced in the eve by the nets on the pebbly shore,
  • When I was a boy with never a crack in my heart.


  • 海浪哟,虽然你们像玩耍的孩子般在我脚边跳舞,
  • 虽然你们脸放光,眼发亮,虽然你们叫声欢,脚步轻,
  • 但是从前的六月比近来的更暖和,海浪也更
  •   欢娱,
  • 那时候我还是个小伙子,心里面还没有一丝裂痕。

  • 大群的鲱鱼再也不像往日那样在潮水里洄游;
  • 真让人悲伤!当年大车上的藤筐咯吱吱响个不停,
  • 满载着一网打来的鲜鱼到斯来沟县城里去出售,
  • 那时候我还是个小伙子,心里面还没有一丝裂痕。

  • 啊,骄傲的女孩儿,哪怕他的桨声在水面上荡响,
  • 你也不比她们漂亮,那些骄傲又出众的美人,
  • 她们曾经在黄昏时分漫步在卵石滩上的鱼网旁,
  • 那时候我还是个小伙子,心里面还没有一丝裂痕。

傅浩 译


叶芝诗集(增订本) 2018 ——

Yeats claimed that 'This is an attempt to reconstruct an old song from three lines imperfectly remembered by an old peasant woman in the vil- lage of Ballysodare, Sligo, who often sings them to herself' (1889: VP p. 90). The work is close to the first two stanzas of a poem with the same title in the P. J. McCall Ballad Collection in the National Library of Ire- land. Yeats glossed 'salley' as 'willow' (1895; VP p. 797).

The Collected Works of W. B. Yeats, Volume I—