My song thou knowest

  • My song thou knowest of a dreaming castle—
  • The pensive walls are like a woven net
  • For cunning corbeils are in carving set
  • Of fair flowers in a wreathed tassel—
  • From old world pages have they singing met.


  • 你懂的我的歌,关于梦幻城堡——
  • 阴郁的城墙好像编织的网罗,
  • 上面雕饰着精巧的花篮石刻,
  • 盛放着美丽的花环,扎着流苏——
  • 它们遇见过古代侍从唱着歌。

傅浩 译

pages: 不理解为何傅浩译为「侍从」。个人试译「古老书卷中它们的歌成合唱」。


The address to his art, medieval or renaissance setting, and romantic diction are familiar elements of Yeats’s early work. This five-line poem is preserved in the same manuscript as a draft of the poem “Love and Death” published in Dublin University Review for May 1885, and probably dates from 1884 or early 1885.

George Bornstein—