The dew comes dropping
- 露水滴下来
- 落在榆柳上,
- 轻柔不停息
- 如泪流枕上——
- 轻柔滴落哟,
- 音声如号角
- 回响山谷丘,
- 或音韵如水
- 出自菲洛美
- 那紧张歌喉。
- 露滴纷飞急,
- 一滴一思想
- 从天上下降
- 到黄昏心里。
傅浩 译
Yea: yes.
叶芝诗集(增订本) 2018 ——
This tripping lyric provides another instance of Yeats’s early treatment of nature as sympathetic rather than antithetical to human life and emotion. The reverse side of the manuscript contains a pencil sketch labeled “Laying foundation stone of Museum in Kildare Street” in the margin and “H. R. H. In Ireland—1885” at the bottom.
Philomel: (or Philomela) and Procne were two daughters of Pandion, king of Athens. Pandion’s ally Tereus, king of Thrace, first married Procne and then raped Philomel and cut out her tongue to ensure silence, but she wove her story into a piece of embroidery that she sent to her sister. In Greek accounts the gods changed Procne into a nightingale and Philomel into a swallow, but most English authors follow the reversal in Latin tradition by which Philomel becomes the nightingale.
George Bornstein—